SolidPartners Exhibits at SolidWorks World 2017

Dan, Olivia, Addison, Richard Doyle (head of SolidWorks User Groups) and Jim in front of the #SWW17 exhibit entrance at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
For over 15 years SolidPartners has exhibited at the largest tradeshow for SolidWorks mechanical CAD software. SolidWorks World 2017 in Los Angeles was no exception – we were able to participate and show off some of our newest software to the over 5,000 attendees.
This year was unique in that it was Super Bowl weekend with the crowd from SolidWorks (predominantly Patriot’s fans) a bit down about the progress of the game in the first 3 quarters. Our SolidPartners’ booth was right across the aisle from the DS SolidWorks booth and the big screen where most folks were gathering to watch the game. As most football fans know by now, the New England Patriots came up with a big come back win in the fourth quarter and won in overtime.
In like manner, we at SolidPartners shouldn’t be counted out – we’ve just announced and shown our latest versions of our Activault (PDM for SolidWorks CAD files) and 4G:PLM (fourth generation Product Lifecycle Management software). We visited with hundreds of attendees and found that there is a lot of confusion in the CAD/PDM/PLM industry. The key to success in this area is to have a ‘game plan’ and a path forward. You don’t need to spend thousands per user on PDM/PLM systems and have a long term consulting agreement to win automating your design/configuration processes. These mega PLM projects often result in failure – much like a long bomb throw in football – you need to have a higher percentage short yardage play as your bread and butter.
Activault and 4G:PLM represent the most affordable, integrated solution for SolidWorks CAD and Bill of Materials (BOM) management. This is your higher percentage success solution. Instead of a “long bomb” play with lengthy deployment schedules, you can generate a quick BOM, through effective design control in SolidWorks and simple drag and drop actions in 4G:PLM. With the right strategy, successful implementations happen and can happen quickly. Our customers have proven the effectiveness of our products over the years. With over 15 years in the SolidWorks World business, we must be doing something right at SolidPartners. See for yourself! Check out our youtube channel to see these tools in action.